Ελληνικές Παροιμίες, Γ.Φράγκας

by Automon

Books & Reference


Greek Proverbs, George FrangosBookISBN (ebook-digital book): 978-618-5147-17-4February 2015Shuttle Publications With reference center of Greek proverbs, an attempt to matched with English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, focusing on specific images, concepts and words used by every nation.Ie deliberately omitted any foreign language saying that the pronunciation is identical to the corresponding Greek. In other words, it is not simply a translation exercise.This is a comparative classification around 3200 proverbs ... George Frangos was born in Volos in 1949. He grew up in Larissa.He worked as an interpreter in the European Union (Brussels, 1980-2011).Now, she lives in Athens.Preserves and a blogkaki: ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Cover Design, Layout:Hercules Lampadariou Editor:The author is responsible for editing the text. Application Development Android:Anthony Panoras Shuttle PublicationsAthanasiou Diakou 42, 652 01, KavalaT .: 2510 831856K .: 6977 070729e-mail: [email protected]: Creative Commons LicenseReport Creator - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Greece You may allow any reader to play the project (total, partial or in summary, by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), distribution and communication to the public under the following conditions: the source, non-commercial use project. Also, you can not alter, transform or build upon this work. Detailed information for that license cc, read at: Good reading